Section: Technology
Title: Braille keyboard
Article Id: 20220055
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Subject: The Mantis Q40 Refreshable Braille Keyboard

The Mantis Q40 Refreshable Braille Keyboard.

Braille at your fingertips anytime, anywhere, with the Mantis Q40.

The Mantis Q40 is a 40-cell refreshable braille display. With the Q40, users no longer need to choose between a keyboard or a braille device. As one types on the Mantis, the refreshable braille below the keyboard is providing a multimodal braille complement to the screen reader.

The Mantis Q40 contains some of the following built-in applications:

1.  A basic editor function

2.  A File manager

3.  Blue Tooth capability and much more.

 Compatible with:

Windows 8 and above using JAWS 18+, NVDA, and Narrator

MacOS 10.15.+ Catalina

iOS 13.5.1+

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